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Laboratorio di cartotecnica e legatoria

Un sedicesimo

Costruiamo un sedicesimo con copertina rilegato a mano con ago e filo

We create a booklet, which is technically called "Sedicesimo" and consists of a series of assembled sheets and an elaborate cover. We bind and finally illustrate with stamps, matrices and other supports made available, taking inspiration from the works present in the studios.

Workshop by the art collective LIBRI FINTI CLANDESTINI

Indicate the day and time slot of interest to check availability.

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carta, forbici, colla, matite, pennarelli, timbri, materiali vari, ago e filo

manipolazione carta, piegature, piccoli tagli, collage, rilegatura

apprendere semplici tecniche di cartotecnica e legatoria

ogni studente ha la sua postazione di lavoro e realizza il proprio manufatto

90 minutes

120 €

Studio Arnaldo Pomodoro, via vigevano 3 (buzzer 61) / inside courtyard, Milan

If you can't come to the Studio, we'll come to the school! NB: For logistical reasons, this proposal is for schools in Milan. If your school is out of town contact us to find out how to do it.

Cost at school: €170 - reduced booking of at least two classes €150

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open studio apertura dicembre genna