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interactive guided tour

Nel Labirinto

Alla scoperta del Labirinto di Arnaldo Pomodoro

Immersed in a magical and timeless atmosphere, we will discover a place that evokes distant times, the work of a lifetime, a magical and evocative environment conceived over almost twenty years and inspired by the Epic of Gilgamesh, the first epic poem known to history, engraved on eleven clay tablets in Sumerian script. We will rediscover the characteristic elements of the artist's work to reconstruct his literary and figurative influences together.

The environmental work “Ingresso nel Labirinto” is an environment of 170 square meters, begun in 1995, inaugurated in 2011, today still in work in progress … Arnaldo Pomodoro's Labyrinth has found its definitive location in the underground spaces of the former Riva-Calzoni building in via Solari 35, once the Museum of the Arnaldo Pomodoro Foundation, now home to the Fendi Show-room.

Indicate the day and time slot of interest to check availability.

literature texts, the sculptor's box

explore the artist's imagination through the activation of one's own imagination and literary knowledge of reference to the work

students are divided into pairs and groups of three and move accompanied by the operator (and by the teachers) in search of the signs of Arnaldo Pomodoro.

60 minutes

100 €

Arnaldo Pomodoro's Labyrinth / via Solari 35, Milano

NOTE Arnaldo Pomodoro's Labyrinth is not accessible to people with severe motor disabilities.

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