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Graphics workshop

Libro d'artista

Componiamo un libro d’artista di forme e colori con la tecnica dello stencil

The artist translates his universe of plastic forms onto paper, enriching it with unprecedented chromaticism: the Artist's book is an endless ground for experimentation! It is painting and sculpture, it is story, word, image. We articulate a narrative by superimposing signs, forms and colors. We compose pages from works in the Studio. we build stencils to make a sampler of geometric shapes, then with colors we define solids and wants. We experiment with a simple but impressive printing technique to get to build our artist's book.

Indicate the day and time slot of interest to check availability.

Paper, cardboard, tempera, scissors, pencils, glue


Investigate and understand the concept of full and empty and plane and solid geometry

each student has their own workstation and makes their own book

90 minutes

120 €

Studio Arnaldo Pomodoro, via vigevano 3 (buzzer 61) / inside courtyard, Milan

If you can't come to the Studio, we'll come to the school! NB: For logistical reasons, this proposal is for schools in Milan. If your school is out of town contact us to find out how to do it.

Cost at school: €170 - reduced booking of at least two classes €150

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