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Graphics workshop

Pagina d'artista

Componiamo una pagina d’artista attraverso la tecnica dello stencil utilizzando le forme geometriche piane e i colori per indagare pieni e vuoti

Starting with the works in Arnaldo Pomodoro's Studio, we create a composition of shapes and colors. With stencils, tempera and sponges we experiment with a simple but impressive printing technique to define on our artist's page which shapes are full and which are empty. How many incredible compositions can be created with geometric shapes and primary colors!

Indicate the day and time slot of interest to check availability.

paper, tempera, sponges


Investigate geometric figures and introduce the concept of solid and void and plane and solid shape through color

ogni studente ha la sua postazione di lavoro e realizza la propria pagina

90 minutes

120 €

Studio Arnaldo Pomodoro, via vigevano 3 (buzzer 61) / inside courtyard, Milan

If you can't come to the Studio, we'll come to the school! NB: For logistical reasons, this proposal is for schools in Milan. If your school is out of town contact us to find out how to do it.

Cost at school: €170 - reduced booking of at least two classes €150

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