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Arnaldo Pomodoro, Scettro I-II-III-IV-V, 1987-1988 - Giardini Oberdan, Todi, 2021 (Foto Michele Ranieri)

Arnaldo Pomodoro
Scettro I, II, III, IV, V
, 1987-1988

alluminio, 550 × 88 cm; 550 × 250 cm; 565 × 130 cm; 550 × 100 cm; 600 × 100 cm

The Scettri, designed for my personal room at the Venice Biennale in 1988, are, in the context of my abstract and symbolic expressiveness, the antennas of the future, and, at the same time, the tribal masks that resurrect from a dark forest to soar triumphantly and stand out on the horizon of the "sea shores" of my dreams.

Arnaldo Pomodoro

open studio apertura dicembre genna