Open Studio #3 | Arnaldo Pomodoro. La Sfera
curated by Federico Giani
from 19 October 2024 to 1 June 2025
Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Via Vigevano 3, Milano
Third appointment of Open Studio, the cycle of exhibitions set up in the spaces of Arnaldo Pomodoro's Studio with which the Foundation delves into and rediscovers works or moments from the artist's career. This new chapter of Open Studio focuses on the Sfera, la forma più iconica della produzione di Arnaldo Pomodoro, which will be addressed, explored and reread from multiple points of view.
An itinerary among works, documents, original and unpublished archival materials will allow the visitor to discover the different types of Sfere made by Pomodoro over the years, the history of theirconception, realization and success of these works, as well as the stories and vicissitudes of the most famous Sfere: from Sfera n.1 of the MoMa in New York to the Sfera grande of the Pesaro promenade and the Farnesina in Rome, through theSfera con sfera of the Vatican Museums and the United Nations Building in New York, to those of Trinity College in Dublin and The Hakone Open-Air Museum in Kanagawa (Japan)...
The first two Open Studio events were dedicated one to spatialist researches of the late 1950s and the other to the American five-year period of 1966-1970, during which Pomodoro tackled forms of experimentation in the direction of Minimal Art, this new chapter of Open Studio focuses on the Sfera, the most iconic form of Arnaldo Pomodoro's production, which will be addressed, explored and reread from multiple points of view.
full €8 / reduced €5 / free for under 26 y.o., members of the Foundation, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and ICOM
ATM employees and annual ATM subscribers ATM plus one accompanying person are eligible for the reduced fare. See the conventions page to find out all the discounts.
Info and how to access the exhibition
When: tutti i sabati e le domeniche dal 19 ottobre 2024 al 1 giugno 2025, dalle 11:00 alle 19:00 (ultimo ingresso mezz’ora prima della chiusura).
Dal lunedì al venerdì (mercoledì escluso) dalle 9 alle 18 solo per gruppi e scolaresche su prenotazione (via mail a
Where: Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Via Vigevano 3, Milan
Tickets: full 8 € / reduced 5 € / free for those under 26, teachers, members of the Foundation, Peggy Guggenheim Collection and ICOM.
ATM employees and annual ATM subscribers ATM plus one accompanying person are eligible for the reduced fare. See the conventions page to find out all the discounts.
The rooms are not entirely accessible to people with severe motor disabilities
Under the patronage of
Partner tecnico
Media Partnership