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Nicola Carrino Disegni progettuali per Costruttivo 1/71 B – Blocco 2005, 1971-2005

Nicola Carrino
Disegni progettuali per Costruttivo 1/71 B – Blocco 2005
, 1971-2005

mixed media on paper, 29,7 × 21 cm each one (10 drawings)

In 1969 Carrino created the first Costruttivi trasformabili, modular and transformable organisms with a scalar, “L” and “T” shape, in iron and steel. He thus hypothesizes the idea of a design sculpture, transformable over time, of an environmental and participatory nature, capable of interacting with the urban space and the public present. The artist writes: “The project of the Costruttivi does not lie in the design of the module elements that compose them but in their use of time. To the rigidity of minimalist structures and conceptual thought, the constructive ones contrast the flexibility of continuous doing and the idea of contingent transformation".

from: La scultura italiana del XX secolo, exhibition catalogue, edited by M. Meneguzzo, Milano, Skira / Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, 2005, p. 262.

open studio apertura dicembre genna