Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro is in constant dialogue with the territory, so that art and culture become an opportunity for social as well as territorial regeneration. Over the years, the Foundation has had various exhibition venues and consequently different modes of use, developed through targeted educational proposals always suited to the spaces in which it acted, to the artistic themes proposed in its initiatives and to the needs of the various audiences with which it works. it is related.
Educational Projects
Special projects to enjoy art through public engagement./
Special projects to enjoy art through public engagement./
Special projects to enjoy art through public engagement./
““I have always felt the need for concrete involvement from a social point of view: leaving your studio, where you work and are protected, is not an option: it is a duty. The sculptor's task is to get involved with the urban surroundings of the city, makingyou feel the full importance of art, not just its own” — Arnaldo Pomodoro
Through its educational department, the Foundation intends to maintain strong attention towards the task declared by its founder: to continue to activate experiences directly in the places where his works are located, to educate about the artistic-cultural heritage, creativity and expressive freedom through a direct and concrete involvement of people, through the construction of an ever-wider network of collaborations with public and private institutions, bodies and associations that in various capacities are present in the territory.
Come lavora Arnaldo Pomodoro? Quali tecniche utilizza? Le sue opere hanno un significato? Scopriamolo insieme nelle Tours & Workshops per le Scuole di ogni ordine e grado!
Alla Scoperta del Labirinto! Il digital tour
Un percorso virtuale nel Labirinto di Arnaldo Pomodoro con attività divertenti e interattive da fare a casa, a scuola, o dove vuoi…
Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro in collaboration with il collettivo artistico Libri Finti Clandestini ha ideato UN NUOVO CICLO DI LABORATORI to try bookbinding and papermaking techniques ispirate alla mostra di Arnaldo Pomodoro Open Studio #3 La Sfera.
Smart Schooling
The new proposal from Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro for Junior High schools was made possible thanks to the support of the Fondazione Cariplo. An interactive training experience that unites students and teachers in the construction of a personal and collective story. A digital and analogue journey to discover oneself and one's memory, freely inspired by the biography of Arnaldo Pomodoro.
Festival delle Abilità.
- Art, music and poems, 2020
Fondazione participates in the Festival delle Abilità - Art, music and poems,, an initiative aimed at promoting an inclusive culture that highlights people's abilities regardless of their human condition, with the tactile laboratory GUARDA! VEDO CON LE MANI, created in collaboration with the blind artist Felice Tagliaferri.
Arnaldo my School Neighbour
The fourteen classes of the F. Conforti – B. Avogadro Primary School of the Thour – Gonzaga Institute in via Vigevano discussed the identity of the neighborhood with the artists Lorenzo Cianchi, Marina Scognamiglio and Alessandra Aiello. The project, launched during the 2018-19 school year, involved the entire school located a few steps from Arnaldo Pomodoro's studio.
Inside the Labirinto
Pilot project carried out with the support of the Cariplo Foundation. The project involved two third classes of the Dante Alighieri Primary School in the development of a sensorial journey developed on the environmental work Entrance into the labyrinth by Arnaldo Pomodoro.
A Museum without boundaries
How do you give shape to ideas?
per UniCredit & Art
Sunday September 28, 2008 in occasion of Artelibro Festival del Libro d’Arte, the educational departments of MAMbo, MART, Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro as part of the UniCredit & Art project, have come together to find in the collective experience of art a new way of looking at reality and to build a common landscape that arises from a collective painting action.
The school goes to the museum,
the museum goes to school
A proposal to increase the union between two cultural institutions fundamental for the cultural growth of our society, the school and the museum, and facilitate contact and exchange, to promote knowledge of the neighborhood and increase awareness of its identity .