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Affiliated Institutions

"With our agreements, participating in our activities or making purchases in our shop is even more convenient."

The Foundation has always been interested in creating an active network of collaborations and agreements with museum and cultural institutions in the city of Milan and throughout the national territory in order to promote mutual activities. The Foundation acknowledges, upon presentation of a valid identification card, reduced rates e discounts for members of:


Per abbonati annuali ATM e dipendenti ATM multiple un accompagnatore:

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).
Sconto del 10% su gadget, stampe, libri e gioielli presso lo shop in Via Vigevano 3 e online.

I dipendenti ATM possono accedere alle tariffe convenzionate esibendo il badge aziendale presso la biglietteria.
Gli abbonati annuali possono usufruire dei vantaggi mostrando la propria tessera elettronica ATM in corso di validità insieme alla Carta Club presso la biglietteria. Nel caso in cui non si fosse in possesso della Carta Club, farà fede lo scontrino di acquisto dell’abbonamento insieme alla tessera elettronica ATM o tramite l’App ATM.

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Centro Turistico Giovanile CTG

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Coop Lombardia

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).


Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

PdE – Palazzo delle Esposizioni

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Free admission to the current exhibition and reduced rate for tours and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).
10% discount on gadgets, books, prints and bronze jewelry at the shop at 9 Vigevano Street and online.

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(ove possibile anche sul biglietto d’ingresso alle mostre organizzate presso sedi esterne)./
10% discount on gadgets, books, prints and bronze jewelry at the shop at 9 Vigevano Street and online.

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).
10% discount on gadgets, books, prints and bronze jewelry at the shop at 9 Vigevano Street and online.

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

La Feltrinelli

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

TCI – Touring Club Italiano

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

FIMAA Milano, Monza & Brianza

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

MaRT – Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Rovereto

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

IDI | Italian Design Institute

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

ARCI – Associazione ricreativa e culturale italiana

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).


Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

IED Istituto Europeo di Design

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Fondazione Palazzo Magnani

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Associazione Amici del Museo Bagatti Valsecchi

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Accademia Carrara

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(ove possibile anche sul biglietto d’ingresso alle mostre organizzate presso sedi esterne) per i possessori delle Card “Academy Alumni” e “PLUS CARD Amici di Gallerie d’Italia” e tutti i visitatori che esibiranno presso la biglietteria un biglietto di ingresso ad una delle sedi espositive delle Gallerie d’Italia emesso nell’anno in corso.


Reduced rates apply to exhibitions, visits, and workshops organized by the Foundation
(where possible, also applicable to entrance tickets for exhibitions held at external venues).

Associazione Le Belle Arti – Progetto Arte Passante

Tariffa ridotta sul prezzo delle attività didattiche, delle visite guidate e del biglietto d’ingresso alle mostre organizzate presso sedi esterne (ove possibile) / Sconto del 10% sugli acquisti presso Via Vigevano 9 e presso lo Shop online (previa esibizione di una tessera valida)

Tariffa ridotta sul prezzo delle attività didattiche, delle visite guidate e del biglietto d’ingresso alle mostre organizzate presso sedi esterne (ove possibile)


Tariffa ridotta sul prezzo delle visite guidate (previa esibizione di una tessera valida)

Tariffa ridotta sul prezzo delle attività didattiche, delle visite guidate e del biglietto d’ingresso alle mostre organizzate presso sedi esterne (ove possibile)

Tariffa ridotta sul prezzo delle attività didattiche, delle visite guidate e del biglietto d’ingresso alle mostre organizzate presso sedi esterne (ove possibile) / Sconto del 10% sugli acquisti presso Via Vigevano 9 e presso lo Shop online (previa esibizione di una tessera valida)