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Nicola Carrino
Costruttivo Modulo L
, 1969-2007

steel and corten, 150 × 150 × 150 cm each (3 elements)

The choice of modularity for Carrino follows from a conception of sculpture as an open work. While American minimalism in the fragmentation of the unicum into modules evokes the mass production of industrial civilization (from which the materials adopted also come), in Carrino this renunciation of the uniqueness and integrity of the work highlights its very conception is a question, not just its formal aspect. The scalar modules that the artist has been creating, in steel, since 1969, are called Costruttivo because they are the minimum basic unit to give life to innumerable and unpredictable constructions, in accordance with the exposure conditions of the work. Composed of a few or many identical elements, Carrino's sculpture is never repeated the same, like the minimalist one, but can always manifest itself differently depending on the environment with which it interacts, the phenomena that occur there, not least the intentions of the users.

from: Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro. La Collezione permanente, exhibition caralogue, edited by G. Verzotti, A. Vettese, Milano, Skira, 2007, p. 174.

open studio apertura dicembre genna