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Easter closing

I nostri spazi espositivi sono attuali chiusi, stiamo lavorando alla prossima exhibition: vi aspettiamo in Fondazione il 19 ottobre!

Currently our exhibition spaces are closed, we are working on the next exhibition: We are waiting for you at the Foundation from October 19th!

The physical shop is closed for inventory and rearrangement: the Online shop remains open and operational!

Nuova pubblicazione

KOOL. A Type Specimen è un libro d’artista costruito attorno a KOOL (“cavolo” in olandese), un nuovo font progettato da Magali Reus vincitrice della VII edizione del Arnaldo Pomodoro Sculpture Prize


Scarica il font KOOL (“cavolo” in olandese) creato da Magali Reus, artista vincitrice della VII edizione del Premio Arnaldo Pomodoro per la Scultura. 

Il font è presentato all’interno del libro d’artista KOOL. A Type Specimen acquistabile qui

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Fondazione promuove l’incontro tra arte contemporanea e scuola per far vivere ai bambini e ai ragazzi, insieme ai loro insegnanti, nuovi modi di relazionarsi all’arte attraverso la sperimentazione dei linguaggi e il contatto diretto con l’opera d’arte.



Se nel Catalogue Raisonné non trovi l’opera in tuo possesso, o se desideri avere una conferma di archiviazione da parte della Fondazione, puoi inviare una richiesta…

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Support us

The support of our members is essential to help us carry out some projects that are a fundamental part of our Mission/
The support of our members is essential to help us carry out some projects that are a fundamental part of our Mission/


Lots of items for art lovers... and with your purchases you help support the Foundation's activities!


If you share our project, be pART of it!

On October 19th inaugurates the third appointment of Open Studio, the cycle of exhibitions set up in the spaces of Arnaldo Pomodoro's Studio: a journey through original works, documents and archive materials to explore and rediscover the Sphere, the most iconic work of the artist, reread from multiple points of view…

from 19 October 2024 to 1 June 2025
@Via Vigevano 3, Milano

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Un progetto dedicato alle scuole secondarie di primo grado per esplorare l’archivio di Arnaldo Pomodoro tra analogico e digitale.

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L’Archivio di Arnaldo Pomodoro è a disposizione di studenti, ricercatori e operatori di settore, che possono accedere alla consultazione in sede compilando il modulo online…

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The exhibition Arnaldo Pomodoro. Il movimento possibile, curated by Alberto Salvadori in collaboration with the Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, will be open until 18 June at Cortesi Gallery in Milan

@Via Morigi 8, Milan

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A "House of Sculpture", a place open to the reinterpretation of twentieth century art, a collective space of living experience for all those who love art./
A "House of Sculpture", a place open to the reinterpretation of twentieth century art, a collective space of living experience for all those who love art./

Online Archive

Access the free portal that collects all the materials of Arnaldo Pomodoro's Archive digitized and cataloged by the Foundation...

Catalogue Raisonné

Access the free portal that documents all areas of Arnaldo Pomodoro's activity: sculptures, drawings, multiples, scenography, jewellery, design studies and graphics...

The Collection

The Foundation promotes the loan of its Collection: more than two hundred works by Arnaldo Pomodoro and about ninety works by other artists...
Opening hours

The physical shop is closed for inventory and rearrangement: the online Shop remains open and operational!

Exhibition of the Open Studio
cycle Currently our exhibition spaces are closed, we are working on the next exhibition: we are waiting for you at the Foundation from October 19th!